Global Motis Rate 0.50 DKK
Ask 1909.52 DKK
Bid 15.00 DKK
Spread 0.00 %
Volume 30.00

Individual Opportunity Ads

All about an Individual Opportunity Provider

As an Individual Opportunity Provider, you are the one offering an opportunity to either individuals or other businesses.
Please note that you will remain anonymous until JOOB provides you with three (or more) candidates after five days. The Opportunity Seekers will also be anonymized until JOOB forwards their credentials to you. When you create your ad, please make sure that your ad is written as precise as possible, meaning:


	Businessman looking on multi candidates people for this job opportunity, while considering the right one. In the middle question mark and symbol of people around


  • About Ads

  • Title – could be for a task or to attract a Co-founder for your Start-up, or you want businesses to work with you on a new concept. Be precise and to the point.
  • The Barometer – illustrates the balance between Qualifications and Motivation in your ad. If qualifications are the main factor, the barometer should show this and visa versa. Please know that opportunity Seekers spend their Motis on your ad and their application.
  • Workload – is for individuals only. The workload could be from 2 hours a week to 50 hours a week and all in between.
  • Qualifications - for individuals and businesses.
    1. For individuals, you want to state any formal education, for example, carpenter, BSc. or MSc. level or perhaps no formal education needed or experience from a specific industry.
    2. For businesses, you want to state their ability to work with you, their size in revenue, number of people, or industry specifics.
    3. State, need to have, and nice to have, if possible.
  • Compensation - for individuals, might be a monthly or yearly target on a conform level, bonuses, and more. Businesses, if there is no compensation, it should be stated merely in the opportunity ad.
  • Location - is where you want the individuals- or businesses-Seeker to work with, or for, your business. When you select the subscription package, you must decide the place of your search for candidates. You can easily switch your package here.
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