Global Motis Rate 0.50 DKK
Ask 1909.52 DKK
Bid 15.00 DKK
Spread 0.00 %
Volume 30.00

How to write good Ads

A good ad is characterized by the following

  1. Write a short and precise title, for example, “Web developer in the UK, London” or “Cooperation with a company in the pharmaceutical industry worldwide”.
  2. Write a short introduction to you or your company. 
  3. The opportunity provided and the context, what are you or your company offering.
  4. The Need-to-Have bullet points.
  5. The Nice-to-Have bullet points.
  6. Describe the benefits of your or your business's opportunity.
  7. In the compensation field, describe the compensation, for example, salary for a position. 
  8. Write in a recognizable language for the Seeker, individuals, or businesses.
  9. If the opportunity is seeking to attract internationals who live in your own country, make it visible and clear.
  10. JOOB advises you to read the Terms and Conditions before publishing the opportunity. 
  11. Please refer to the section What not to write in Ads here.

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